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Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Officers play a crucial role in maintaining order and safety in our communities.

In the Langeberg municipal area, there are six Law Enforcement Officers who are responsible for enforcing the Langeberg Municipality’s by-laws. These officers work tirelessly to ensure that citizens are abiding to by-laws and regulations put in place to ensure effective service delivery and cooperative communities.

Law Enforcement Officers also work closely with different government organizations, such the South African Police Service. By collaborating with other organizations, they can effectively address issues related to crime and public safety.

Our by-laws provide procedures, methods and practices to regulate issues around

  • Selling liquor,
  • Informal trading,
  • Municipal land use planning,
  • Integrated zoning scheme like operating a business in a residential area,
  • Supply of electricity,
  • Supply of irrigation water,
  • Use of sewerage and sanitation services,
  • Utilization of streets,
  • Noise complaints,
  • Keeping of animals,
  • Pound use,
  • Control of cemeteries,
  • Hosting of events,
  • Use of public amenities,
  • and the preservation of the environment like air quality and
  • Integrated waste management to mention a few.

The top complaints reported to Law Enforcement Officers is about Illegal Hawkers. These are people who sell goods on the street without a permit, which is against the law.

Law enforcement officers have the power to confiscate goods, issue compliance notices and fines, and shut down illegal operations where by-laws are infringed upon.

Their functions and responsibilities are varied, and they must have certain requirements and skills to effectively serve their communities. Their functions and responsibilities include maintaining safety and security through the application of laid-down policing, protection, and rescue procedures, attending to processes aimed at ensuring compliance with laws, by-laws, and regulations. Law Enforcement Officers also attend to documentation and notification procedures, serving of summons, compliance orders, executing warrants of arrest, and preparing statements. They undertake specific activities during disasters and emergency situations, complete specific reports, statutory documentation, and registers, and attend to the application of specific maintenance sequences with respect to equipment and vehicles. It is important for law enforcement officers to keep abreast of the latest legislative changes, developments, and emerging trends in the profession to effectively serve their communities.

We urge the community to report unlawful matters to the 24/7 Call Centre.

Call: 0860 88 1111 / 023 615 2219

View Langeberg Municipality’s By-Laws HERE