In terms of the legislative requirements of Section 33 (a) of the Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003):
" A municipality may enter a contract which will impose financial obligations on the municipality beyond a financial year, but if the contract will impose financial obligations on the municipality beyond the three years in the annual budget for that financial year, it may do so only if—
(a) the municipal manager, at least 60 days before the meeting of the municipal council at which the contract is to be approved—
(i) has, in accordance with section 21A of the Municipal Systems Act—
(aa) made public the draft contract and an information statement summarising the municipality’s obligations in terms of the proposed contract; and
(bb) invited the local community and other interested persons to submit to the municipality comments or representations in respect of the proposed contract; and
(ii) has solicited the views and recommendations of—
(aa) the National Treasury and the relevant Provincial Treasury.
(bb) the National Department responsible for Local government; and
(cc) if the contract involves the provision of water, sanitation, electricity, or any other service as may be prescribed, the responsible national department.”
Municipalities are mandated to raise revenue by the Local Government: Municipal Property rates act No 6 of 2004.
The act requires that a new general valuation roll be compiled every 5 years or less. The current contract with the current valuer will be expiring on 30 June 2025, therefore the Langeberg Municipality intends on entering a 5 year contract with experienced and suitably qualified valuers for the compilation and maintenance of the valuation roll and supplementary valuation rolls as well as the supply of other valuation related services in compliance with the MPRA for 5 years. The new valuation rolls must be compiled for implementation on 01 July 2025. Valuation rolls are compiled and certified by professional valuers only, hence the procuring of valuation services.
The service provider and the Langeberg Municipality will keep the community informed of all processes during all phases of the General Valuation and Supplementary Valuations.
For any further enquiries regarding the contract, please contact Mr Bjorn Cavernelis on 023-615 8000 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.