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02 August 2024


From 01 July 2024, electricity tariffs in Langeberg Municipality increased by 12.72%. The increase are determined by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) and implemented according to Langeberg Municipality’s approved budget for 01 July 2024 - 30 June 2025.

As part of its commitment to support low-income households and promote efficient resource use, Langeberg Municipality has introduced Inclining Block Tariffs (IBTs) for electricity and water in the new financial year. This pricing mechanism is designed to cushion the impacts of rising utility costs on vulnerable households while encouraging responsible consumption.

What Are Block Tariffs?

Inclining Block Tariffs (IBTs) are a stepped pricing system that applies different rates to different levels of consumption. The essence of IBTs is that the more a household uses, the higher the cost per unit of electricity or water. This means that those who consume less pay lower rates, while higher usage attracts progressively higher charges.

View electricity tariffs here;

How Do Block Tariffs Work?

Electricity and Water Pricing Blocks:

1. Initial Block: The first tier, or block, for both electricity and water is priced at the lowest rate. For electricity, this covers up to 50 kWh, and for water, up to 6 kiloliters (kl).

2. Subsequent Blocks: As consumption exceeds these thresholds, customers move into higher blocks with increased rates. Each additional block represents a higher price tier.

Monthly Reset: At the end of each month, consumption levels are reset, and customers start afresh in the lowest block for the new billing period.

Understanding Your Tariff as a Conventional Customer

For traditional conventional electricity  customers, the transition between blocks is automatic and based solely on total monthly consumption. There is no need for additional action beyond monitoring usage. The system ensures that as usage increases, the rate per unit also rises, thereby encouraging more efficient use of electricity and water.

Managing Prepaid Accounts

For prepaid electricity users, purchasing electricity in advance is a common practice. However, it's important to manage these purchases wisely:

1. Single Purchase Strategy: Although buying electricity in bulk might seem economical, it can result in transitioning to higher tariff blocks if the total purchased exceeds the initial block threshold.

2. Monthly Purchases: To avoid higher costs, it is advisable to purchase only the amount needed for the month. This way, you remain in the lower tariff blocks and take advantage of the lower rates. Any additional purchasing should be done in the subsequent month to benefit from the lower rates of the new billing period.

 Benefits of Block Tariffs

The introduction of IBTs in Langeberg Municipality is a strategic move to balance the need for fair utility pricing with the goal of supporting low-income households. By encouraging reduced consumption through higher rates for excessive use, the municipality aims to:

- Support Low-Income Households: IBTs help ensure that essential services like electricity and water remain affordable for those with limited resources.

- Promote Efficient Resource Use: Higher rates for increased consumption incentivize households to use resources more judiciously, contributing to overall sustainability.


The new Inclining Block Tariffs in Langeberg Municipality represent a thoughtful approach to managing utility costs while protecting vulnerable communities. By understanding how block tariffs work and managing consumption effectively, residents can benefit from lower rates and contribute to more sustainable resource use. This initiative underscores the municipality’s commitment to making essential services accessible and affordable for everyone.

For enquiries: Contact Langeberg Municipality’s finance department at 023 615 8000, or visit your nearest municipal office.


Verstaan Bloktariewe in die Langeberg 

As deel van ons verbintenis om huishoudings met lae inkomste te ondersteun en doeltreffende hulpbronverbruik te bevorder, het die Langeberg Munisipaliteit in die nuwe finansiële jaar,  Inclining Block Tariffs (IBTs) vir elektrisiteit en water ingestel. Hierdie prysmeganisme is ontwerp om die impak van toenemende  verbruikerskoste  op kwesbare huishoudings te verlig terwyl dit verantwoordelike verbruik aanmoedig.

Wat Is Bloktariewe?

Inclining Block Tariffs (IBTs) is 'n trap-prysstelsel wat verskillende tariewe op verskillende verbruikersvlakke toepas. Die kern van IBTs is dat hoe meer elektrisiteit  en water deur 'n huishouding gebruik word,  hoe hoër is die koste per eenheid daarvan. Dit beteken dat diegene wat minder verbruik, laer tariewe betaal, terwyl hoër verbruik geleidelik lei tot hoër koste.

Sien die skakel na elektrisiteit tariewe hier;

Hoe Werk Bloktariewe?

Elektrisiteit en Water Prysblokke:

1. Beginblok: Die eerste vlak, of blok, vir beide elektrisiteit en water is teen die laagste tarief. Vir elektrisiteit dek dit tot 50 kWh, en vir water, tot 6 kiloliter (kl).

2. Volgende Blokke: Soos verbruik die drempels oorskry, beweeg verbruikers  na hoër blokke met verhoogde tariewe. Elke addisionele blok verteenwoordig 'n hoër prysvlak.

Maandelikse Herstel: Aan die einde van elke maand, begin verbruikersvlakke weer in die laagste blok vir die nuwe  verbruikingsperiode.

 Verstaan Jou Tarief as Kliënt wat konvensionele krag en nie kragmeter gebruik:

Vir die kliënt wat  konvensionele elektrisiteit gebruik,  is die oorgang tussen blokke outomaties en word  daar slegs gepoog  om die krag en waterverbruik  op’n maandelikse basis te monitor. Die stelsel verseker dat soos verbruik toeneem, die tarief per eenheid ook styg, wat doeltreffender gebruik van elektrisiteit en water aanmoedig.

 Bestuur van Prepaid Rekeninge (voorafbetaalde rekening)

Vir prepaid elektrisiteitsverbruikers, is dit 'n algemene praktyk om elektrisiteit vooruit te koop. Dit is egter belangrik om hierdie aankope verstandig te bestuur:

1.Eenmalige aankope: Alhoewel dit ekonomies mag lyk om elektrisiteit in groot maat aan te koop, kan dit lei tot die  oorgang na hoër tariefblokke.  Die totale  aankope  oorskry dus die beginblok se tariewe.

2. Maandelikse Aankope: Om hoër koste te vermy, is dit raadsaam om slegs die bedrag wat vir die maand nodig is, aan te koop. Op hierdie manier bly jy in die laer tariefblokke en benut die laer tariewe. Enige addisionele aankope moet in die volgende maand gedoen word om te baat by die laer tariewe van die nuwe maand se rekening.

 Voordele van Bloktariewe

Die invoering van IBTs in die Langeberg Munisipaliteit is 'n  stap om die behoefte aan regverdigheid van   munisipale dienste te balanseer met die doel om huishoudings met lae inkomste te ondersteun. Deur verminderde verbruik aan te moedig deur hoër tariewe vir oormatige gebruik, mik die munisipaliteit om:

- Lae-Inkomste Huishoudings te Ondersteun: IBTs help om te verseker dat noodsaaklike dienste soos elektrisiteit en water bekostigbaar bly vir diegene met beperkte hulpbronne.

- Doeltreffende Hulpbronverbruik te Bevorder: Hoër tariewe vir verhoogde verbruik moedig huishoudings aan  om die dienste  meer oordeelkundig te gebruik, wat bydra tot algehele volhoubaarheid daarvan.

Ten slotte

Met die instelling van die nuwe Inclining Block Tariffs in die Langeberg Munisipaliteit,  word gepoog om koste van munisipale dienste te bestuur terwyl dit ook die kwesbare gemeenskappe beskerm.  Deur te verstaan hoe bloktariewe werk en verbruik effektief te bestuur, kan inwoners baat vind by laer tariewe en bydra tot meer volhoubare hulpbronverbruik. Hierdie inisiatief beklemtoon die munisipaliteit se verbintenis om noodsaaklike dienste vir almal toeganklik en bekostigbaar te maak.
